Can adult grow taller?
Almost everyone wants to grow taller. Many people ask me about if they can get taller and how. In fact, height is mainly determined by gene. During the developing period, a favourable environment may increase the height to a full potential. The key points are having a balanced diet, more exercises and enough sleep. However, when the period of puberty is over, the body will no longer grow taller. Many people asked
A talk for Convoy
Did a talk for Convoy to share experience on fragility fractures and degenerative joint disease (30 Aug, 2019)
Given a speech at AIA
Thank you Mr. Au for inviting me to give a speech with colleagues from AIA, and share my experience with them! 😄😄😄
Metal Plate Treatment for Calf Fractures
People undergo different procedures to repair bone fractures but sometimes when faced with the insertion of metal plates; they feel like the procedure would do more harm than good to the nerves in the affected area. Read on to find out if metal plate treatment for the fracture of the calf can cause nerve damage or nerve death. 1. Fractures of the calf bone or tibial fractures are usually caused by
Meniscus Tear
Meniscus tear is probably one of the most common knee injuries, and it can be excruciating and debilitating. Here are some fast facts about the condition as well as its causes and treatment. 1. The meniscus is a piece of cartilage found at the top of the tibia bone of the knee. It protects the bones from the wear and tear of constant friction and cushions the joint, protecting it from
Do O-Shaped Legs in Children Need to be Corrected?
In medical terms, O-shaped legs are called bowlegs, genu varum, or varus knee. The condition is quite common, especially in children below the age of 2. Many claims are being made about the use of physical therapy without surgical intervention to correct this condition. Is this true, or is it merely a false claim? Read on to find out. 1. The term "bowlegs" is used to describe a condition where a