Medical Live – Understanding Knee Pain (Cantonese)
Knee pain is a problem that bothers many Hong Kong people. Whenever it rains and the humidity is heavy, it is easy to feel weak and painful knees. In this issue, we are honoured to invite an orthopaedic specialist to explain the causes of knee pain and how to improve it. Live broadcast details:Date: November 17 (Thursday)Time: 9pmGuest: Dr Yeung, Eric Sze TsunLanguage: Cantonese
Hip replacement surgery should be done asap! By enduring pain you may miss the best time for treatment (Chinese)
隨 著 年 齡 增 長 老 化 , 髖 關 節 出 現 勞 損 及 疼 痛 的 機 會 與 日 俱 增 , 情 況 嚴 重 者 , 需 做 手 術 置 換 。 骨 科 專 科 醫 生 楊 仕 俊 坦 言 , 部 分 髖 關 節 勞 損 的 病 人 選 擇 忍 痛 , 不 到 最
Online interview (Cantonese)
The story of Dr. Eric Yeung in becoming an Orthopaedist and his practices in UK and HK. An in-depth discussion of the latest arthroplasty techniques.
COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines
In light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, we strongly abide by the following guidelines until the situation is under control, to ensure our patients are able to receive treatment in a safe environment. All patients and any accompanying person must scan the QR code to record their visit with the LeaveHomeSafe app.All patients and any accompanying person must have their body temperature checked. Those with a fever should reschedule and cancel